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Yumbo Love Experience Hotel

Romantic Hotel and Spa 90 minutes from Quito.

Yumbo Love Experience Hotel Se encuentra a 66 km / 90 minutos en automóvil de la Mitad del Mundo en Quito y a 45 km / 1 hora de Mindo . It is the ideal rest stop between Quito and the beaches of the Pacific Coast in Ecuador .

The quiet stay in Yumbo is ideal for couples and lonely travelers who seek peace and serenity.

Whether you prefer to relax with your book by the pool, have a bottle of wine on your balcony overlooking the treetops or indulge in our luxurious spa, our friendly and attentive staff will make sure you have everything you need to your stay is perfect in every way.

Once Yumbo has begun to exercise its magic on you, you will see that all your senses are revived by the colors, the aromas and the sounds of our enchanted forest. The organic fruits, the pure mountain air and our spring of water filtered by the mountain that will make you feel fresh both in the mind and in the body.

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